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Denise A. King, State Training Counselor Liaison - California

The following communication was received from NRA HQ 29 Jun, 2020

Due to COVID-19 positive case spikes and the fact that NRA staff is still working from home, we have not been given authorization to travel, nor accept visitors to train at HQ. Continuing to reschedule courses is labor intensive and unfair to the Candidates, so E&T has made the difficult decision to suspend all Training Counselor Development Workshops for the remainder of calendar year 2020.

In the interim, NRA Education and Training staff will be using the time to make major improvements to our programs to include improving PowerPoints, streamlining the Training Portal and the Program Materials Site, developing an FAQ section for the Instructor portal, and editing our master policy documents - the Trainer’s Guide and Training Counselor Guide.

If we are given the all clear to travel and/or train at HQ, we will use a plus 60-day time frame to notify you of a training opportunity. We are sensitive to the need for lead time to arrange for travel and lodging.

Again, please accept the apologies of the entire Training Department. You are encouraged to be as active as you are able to, and continue to train students in preparation for seeing them in one of your future Instructor courses.

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