Denise A. King
(408) 687-3791
Denise King
State of California, Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms, Carry Concealed Weapon Program, DOJ Certified Instructor #001
State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Security & Investigative Services, Firearms Instructor #2230
P.O.S.T. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor (California)
Duty Handgun
Off Duty Concealed Handgun
Rifle (Patrol)
Low Light (handgun, rifle & shotgun)
N.L.E.F.I.A .Certified Live-Fire CQB/Shoot House Instructor
N.L.E.F.I.A. Certified Advanced Firearms Instructor
Additional Instructor Development Studies:
N.L.E.F.I.A. Live-Fire Vehicular Engagements
N.L.E.F.I.A. Rangemaster
N.L.E.F.I.A. Modern Pistol
N.L.E.F.I.A. Red Dot Sights for Duty Pistols
N.R.A. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor
Tactical Shooting (Rifle/Handgun)
Concealed Handgun
Low Light (handgun, rifle & shotgun)
N.R.A. Certified Training Counselor (civilian)
Advanced Pistol
Personal Protection Outside the Home
Personal Protection Inside the Home
Home Firearm Safety
N.R.A. Certified Chief Range Safety Officer
State of California, Department of Justice, Firearm Safety Certificate Instructor
State of California, Department of Fish & Wildlife, Hunter Education Instructor
Glock Certified Armorer
Member International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA)
Member International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI)
Member National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Assoc. (NLEFIA)
Life Member Martin C. Kauffman 100 Club of Alameda
Larry DeKam
(209) 369-9366
Larry DeKam
State of California, Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms, Carry Concealed Weapon Program, DOJ Certified Instructor #450
State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Security & Investigative Services, Firearms Instructor #2882
N.R.A. Certiied Law Enforcement Handgun Instructor
N.R.A. Certified Instructor
Advanced Pistol
Personal Protection in the Home
Personal Protection Outside the Home
Chief Range Safety Officer
California D.O.J. Certified Firearms Safety Certificate Instructor 106982
Life Member National Rifle Association
Deputy Sheriff Larry Behnke
(209) 603-9771
Larry Behnke
State of California, Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms, Carry Concealed Weapon Program, DOJ Certified Instructor #004
State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Security & Investigative Services, Firearms Instructor #2592
N.L.E.F.I.A. Certified Advanced Firearms Instructor
Additional Instructor Development Studies:
N.L.E.F.I.A. Live-fire Vehicular Engagements
N.L.E.F.I.A. Rangemaster
N.L.E.F.I.A. Modern Pistol
N.L.E.F.I.A. Red Dot Sights for Duty Pistols
N.R.A. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor
* Tactical Shooting (Rifle/Handgun)
* Handgun/Shotgun
N.R.A. Certified Instructor
Personal Protection in the Home
Personal Protection Outside the Home
Chief Range Safety Officer
State of California, Department of Justice, Firearm Safety Certificate Instructor 107031
Member National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Assoc. (NLEFIA)
San Joaquin County Sheriffs Office - Deputy Sheriff (38 years)
Defensive Accuracy, LLC
Our mission is to provide you with the very best firearms training opportunities.