This series includes all the training, including prerequisites, to become certified as an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, an NRA Certified Rifle Instructor and an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. Earn extra money or start your own business as a firearms instructor. The industry is wide open and there are many opportunities for new instructors. Defensive Accuracy, LLC has been training the trainers for over 14 years. Only NRA Certified Instructors are eligible for Lockton Affinity's Instructor Plus Insurance.
Package Deals - SAVE $$:
Six Day Training Package
Pistol and Rifle Instructor plus Range Safety Officer
Monday thru Saturday - $950
Five Day Training Package
Pistol and Rifle Instructor
Monday thru Friday - $850
Three-day NRA Certified Pistol Instructor Package
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday only - $550
Three-day NRA Certified Rifle Instructor Package
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday only - $550
Have Questions?
Call Denise at 408-687-3791
Ask about our LE and Military discount!
All NRA Certified Pistol instructor candidates must successfully complete an NRA Certified Basic Pistol class and the Basic Instructor Training (BIT) class to be eligible to attend the Wednesday Certified Pistol Instructor to earn the rating as an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. We are offering these prerequisite classes on Monday and Tuesday with the Pistol instructor class being on Wednesday, at the same location.
All NRA Certified Rifle Instructor candidates must successfully complete an NRA Certified Basic Rifle class and the Basic Instructor Training (BIT) class to be eligible to attend the Friday Certified Rifle Instructor class to earn the rating as an NRA Certified Rifle Instructor. We are offering these prerequisite classes on Tuesday and Thursday with the Rifle instructor class being on Friday at the same location.
Course fees include all student text materials, range fees, targets, complimentary bottled water, coffee, and morning snacks.
Classes may also be taken individually, and prerequisites may apply.
Schedule, individual class pricing and mandatory student provided equipment is as follows:
Monday - NRA Certified Basic Pistol 8am - 5pm - $259
Notepad and pen
Handgun (any caliber .22 and up with iron sights, fiber optic, or non-magnified red dot optics)
100 rounds of ammo
Eye and electronic ear protection
Closed toe shoes
Sack lunch and personal hydration
Handgun cleaning kit
Folding chair (optional)
Tuesday - Basic Instructor Training (BIT) 8am - 3pm - $100
Notepad, pen and highlighter
Sack lunch and personal hydration
Wednesday - NRA Certified Pistol Instructor 8am - 6pm - $359
Notepad, pen and highlighter
Laptop or tablet
Handgun (any caliber .22 and up with iron sights, fiber optic, or non-magnified red dot optics)
150 rounds of ammo
Eye and electronic ear protection
Closed toe shoes
Sack lunch and personal hydration
Handgun cleaning kit
Bench rest bag (handgun size)
Folding chair (optional)
Thursday - NRA Certified Basic Rifle 8am - 5pm - $259
Rifle (any caliber .22 and up) with non-magnified red dot or iron sights
100 rounds of ammo
Eye and ear protection
Notepad and pen
Bench rest bag (rifle size)
Folding chair (optional)
Friday - NRA Certified Rifle Instructor 8am - 6pm - $359
Laptop or tablet
Rifle (any caliber .22 and up) with non-magnified red dot or iron sights
150 rounds ammo
Rifle cleaning supplies
Eye and ear protection
Sack lunch
Notepad, pen and highlighter
Bench rest bag (rifle size)
Folding chair (optional)
Saturday - NRA Certified Range Safety Officer 8am - 6pm - $249
Eye and ear protection
Sack lunch
Notepad, pen and highlighter
Have Questions?
Call Denise at 408-687-3791